Footpairfect Podiatry
07540071016 01964 229324
Keeping you mobile for life
Musculoskeletal problems such as foot pain from common problems such as heel pain, plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia plus a number of other foot conditions can often be helped with professional advice and a treatment plan set in place. Sprains and strains of the joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons of the lower limb or foot can often occur. Foot pain is something many people suffer from at some point in their life, it isn't considered normal and you shouldn't have to put up with it, there is often a solution. A podiatrist can take a detailed history of your problem, assess your feet, diagnose many common foot problems and offer a solution to many cases. These can be simple solutions such as footwear advice, to rehabilitation exercise prescriptions, or functional or accommodative orthotics being indicated.