Footpairfect Podiatry
07540071016 01964 229324
Keeping you mobile for life
Frequently Asked Questions
What's the difference between a Chiropodist and a Podiatrist?
I get asked this question many times. An explanation is given in Patient Information section, which explains this in more detail. The important thing to remember is that your feet are precious, and as such you should always seek advice from someone who is correctly trained and qualified.
Can anybody have their feet treated privately?
Yes, of course, it is available for anybody who has any concerns or problems or just wants some advice. Some NHS patients have private podiatry treatments in-between their NHS appointments.
What do I need to bring with me to my first appointment?
You will need to provide personal and medical information. Details of your medical history, medical conditions and medications you are taking will be noted in your individual podiatry notes. These are required to ensure safe and appropriate treatment is provided for you as an individual.
Will it hurt to have my feet done?
The majority of people having routine chiropody or podiatry experience no pain or discomfort at all. In fact lots of my patients really enjoy having their feet attended to. The majority of routine treatments and assessments do not cause any pain whatsoever. Some conditions for example deep corns or in-growing toe nails may be uncomfortable or mildly painful on occasion or for a few seconds during treatment. You will always be advised if anything might be uncomfortable before it commences and never forced to have any treatment you do not wish to have. Generally, any treatment that would norrmally cause pain would only be performed under a local anaesthetic for example treatment for a badly ingrowing nail. I really do not want to hurt anybody during any treatment and I am well known for being a gentle and sympathetic podiatrist.
How many treatments will I need?
This generally will depend on your individual problem, ability to self-care and your wishes. All patients seen and treated at Footpairfect Podiatry are advised as to a suitable short or long term treatment plan would suit them and their foot problem. Sometimes treatment can be completed at the first appointment, sometimes it takes a few treatment and sometimes it requires lifelong regular foot care. There is no one answer. Ideally I want to make everybody better, but sometimes this isn't possible.
How long will it be before I need to have any foot treatment again?
Again, this depends on your needs and what you want. Some people need 6 weekly foot treatments, some 8 some can go a few months or yearly. Occasionally it might be sooner for one or two appointments to get a foot problem under control.
What happens if I make an appointment and I no longer want it or need it?
In this case, please call me and cancel or change your appointment or ask for advice. I do not charge for cancelled appointments or those cancelled at the last minute if there is a good reason. If you forget to come for an appointment I am usually fine if you call and let me know you just forgot, it does happen. I can send text reminders to anyone who has a mobile phone.
Do you do home visits?
Unfortunately I do not do home visits, I am clinic based only. I can, however put you in touch with someone else who is a qualified podiatrist who may be able help you.
I'm not sure if I need to see a Podiatrist, what should I do?
If you have any problems with your feet, then the best person to call is a podiatrist first. Advice can be given over the phone or in person where you can be seen and assessed and if necessary then referred to another health professional such as your GP. I offer an emergency advice and treatment service for anyone. Just call me on 07540071016