Footpairfect Podiatry
07540071016 01964 229324
Keeping you mobile for life
Chiropody and Podiatry treatments
Correct nail trimming, shaping and filing
Thickened nails thinned
Safe diabetic foot care
Diabetic foot assessments
Corn removal
Callus and hard skin removal
Fissures/splits in the heels or feet safely treated
Fungal skin conditions - advice and treatment for athlete's foot
Ingrowing and painful toenails treated conservatively
Verrucae - advice and treatment options
More Specialised Treatments
Biomechanical Assessments - plantar fasciitis and metatarsalgia/Morton's neuritis
Lacuna method for fungal nail treatment - following initial assessment
Verrutop treatment for verrucae - following initial assessment
For sale in the clinic:
Specialist foot creams and balms specific to your feet and condition
Toe protectors
Comfort insoles and orthotics